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Punjab, Kerala nd Tamil Nadu have scored higher than 90% in Performance Grading Index for 2019-20. The report was release on Sunday by the Education Ministry. Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have seen good progress while Gujarat dropped from second to eighth rank in the index.

The progress of States and Union Territories made in school education with regard to learning outcomes, access and equity, infrastructure and facilities, and governance and management processes is monitored in this index for each year.

Tamil Nadu took an overall score of 906 which took it ahead of kerala. The score imporvement was largely driven by improvements in the State’s educational governance and management, as well as in terms of infrastructure and facilities.

Gujarat, which had the second highest score in the previous edition, dropped to eighth place. It has regressed in the key domain of access, which measures enrolment of students in school and the ability to keep them from dropping out as well as mainstreaming out-of-school students. Its progress in other areas also did not keep pace with other States.